President’s kōrero: August 2024

Kua hinga te tōtara o Te Waonui a Tāne.
The tōtara in the great forest of Tane has fallen

We pay tribute to Kingi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero IV, who passed away on 30 August. The Māori King was known for his diplomacy and his calls for unity, as well as strong advocacy for his people. His example of servant leadership stands as a beacon for how a leader can and should be.

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NCWNZ 2024 Conference Update

Planning for the NCWNZ 2024 Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) is progressing well with the Ōtautahi Christchurch Branch subcommittee working hard to ensure a very inspiring and productive day on Saturday, October 5th.

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Queen's Service Medal presented to Hansa Naran

Hansa Naran receiving Queen's Service Medal 2024The Queen's Service Medal was presented to Hansa Naran JP by the Governor General of New Zealand, Hon Dame Cindy Kiro. on 9 May 2024. Mrs Naran has been treasurer of the Manukau Branch of the National Council of Women NZ since 2015.

Mrs Naran was commended for services to the Indian community. She used her professional skills as an accountant to contribute to her community organisations, including the Manukau Indian Association Inc. and the New Zealand Indian Central Association (NZICA). She organised an 125th Women’s Suffrage anniversary event, with more than 100 people in attendance at Waiau Pa. She has written many articles for event programmes including ‘Self-Empowerment’, ‘Grieving – A Myth or a Reality?’ and ‘How to age gracefully’. She helped manage more than $500,000 in funds raised for India during the COVID-19 pandemic. She has been a Justice of the Peace since 2014, a Victim Support volunteer and a Kiwani. Mrs Naran has donated incubators, children’s stationary, and clothing to children’s missionaries and traditional sarees for women who cannot afford bridal clothing in India.

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Whanganui Branch hosts annual scholarship event

NCWNZ Whanganui Branch plans to have its annual Scholarship evening on 20th September to celebrate the winner of the Wynne Costley Literary Research Scholarship. Students are required to complete a research essay on a New Zealand woman of the past or present who has achieved and contributed in a distinct definable way to New Zealand society.

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Women in Sport Waitaha event at Christchurch Branch

Women in Sport logo from websiteMembers from NCWNZ Ōtautahi Christchurch Branch were pleased to have two speakers from Women in Sport Waitaha at their Branch meeting on August 20th.

We are all buzzing after the inspiring successes of wāhine athletes at the Olympic Games. But as our speakers, Katrina Mansfield and Rachel Froggatt, pointed out there is still much to be done to ensure that women and girls who play sport, or who are involved in coaching or management roles, are better supported both financially and emotionally. Our speakers highlighted the work that they are planning as a new organisation. They have been set up for only two years and are at the steering committee and networking stage.

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Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care issues report July 2024

In 2017, Dame Susan Devoy, Race Relations Commissioner for Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission, delivered a petition to New Zealand’s Parliament alongside survivors and community leaders, calling for an inquiry into state care abuses and a public apology. The name of the campaign was E Kore Anō... Never Again, and the petition contained 15,000 signatures. In 2018 the New Zealand government established the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions (the Royal Commission). (See detailed information at Since 2019 a cross-agency Crown Secretariat has been funded to support research and survivors impacted as discovered by the Royal Commission. The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care provided an interim report in December 2021: He Purapura Ora, he Māra Tipu: From Redress to Puretumu Torowhānui. (See the report at The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, coordinated by the Crown Response Unit, were two of the government agencies contributing to the Crown response to the Royal Commission. (See the details on this interim response and current updates at Isaac Carlson (Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne) is the Director of the Crown Response Unit.

In December 2022, the Royal Commission produced a report on the abuse and neglect of children and young people at Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Unit in Manawatū from 1972 to 1980. (The report Beautiful Children can be found at  An additional interim report, Stolen Lives, Marked Souls, focused on the abuse and neglect of children and young people of the Catholic Order of the Brothers of St John of God at Marylands School and Hebron Trust in Ōtautahi Christchurch was released in July 2023. (Download the report at In March 2024 a Ministerial Group was established so that all the Ministers whose work relates to the care system can work together.

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Congrats to Iunisi Vaitohi

Iunisi Vaitohi of NCWNZ Manukau Branch was a member of the chorus, South City Soundz, who won at the SAPACS (South Auckland Performing Arts Competition Society Inc) held at the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura, Auckland on 9 August 2024. Vocal Groups category – all ages and genres.

Iunisi Vaitohi, NCW Manukau, in award-winning South City Soundz

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NCWNZ calls for action to protect and ensure safety of women and children at Gloriavale

Snipped from TVNZ episode from \Following the TVNZ documentary "Escaping Utopia", NCWNZ membership and member organisations began collaborating on a call for action to ensure the protection and safety of women and children in the religious cult of Gloriavale. The Safety, Health and Wellbeing Action Hub in collaboration with three other Action Hubs (Economic Independence, Education, and International) were supported by the NCWNZ Board in leading this effort. The publishing of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care report in July (see more on this in another Circular article here) spurred this initiative to contact ministers directly.  See the NCWNZ news item posted here on the NCWNZ website.

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NCWNZ Past Presidents oral history interviews from 2016

The National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) Past Presidents oral history project is archived in Wellington in the Alexander Turnbull Library and in the Brandon Street office of the NCWNZ. Crafted in 2016 by author and publisher Carol Dawber, the six packets of information and oral history interviews provide a wealth of information important to understanding the recent history of NCWNZ. Each packet of materials includes the digitised oral history interview, a photograph of the interviewee, a written summary of the interview, and any additional documentation such as a final president’s report. The six presidents included in this project are:

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President’s kōrero – June 2024

Kia ora tātou,

I write this on Mātariki weekend, and I hope you are all enjoying the events that are occurring to celebrate this midwinter time of looking towards the stars, the turning of seasons, remembering the old stories and the people who have passed. A uniquely Aotearoa celebration with themes that echo in cultures all around the world.

Reflecting on our past year is something we are in the midst of, as we prepare our annual report for the year April 2023-March 2024. The summary of our mahi over the year always brings me pleasure. We do so much, with minimal financial and material resources! Pat yourselves on the back, we deserve it. Much of the work of compiling the report, both financial and narrative, is thanks to Sue Bingham our finance volunteer and Mathilde Le Goff, our current Board administrator intern. I say ‘current’ but am feeling very sad that in a week’s time that will no longer be true. Mathilde’s time with us has come to an end, and she will be travelling our beautiful country for a short while before returning to her studies in France. Merci beaucoup Mathilde, you have been fabulous to work with: I asked you to ‘be my brain’ while you were here, and that is what you have done – parfait!

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