Women at the table on climate change

At the end of August, the National Council of Women New Zealand’s (NCWNZ) International and Climate and Environmental Sustainability Action Hubs, Wellington Branch, and the Council for International Development, came together to co-host a panel discussion focused on ‘Women at the table on Climate Change’.

Climate Change PR August 2024

The panel was moderated by NCWNZ member, author and former Green Party MP, Sue Kedgley, and featured a range of political, government and civil society perspectives - both here and in the Pacific.  Speakers included:

  • Dr. Gill Greer – Former President of NCWNZ and Former CEO of New Zealand Family Planning
  • Noelene Nabulivou – Executive Director of Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality
  • Jessica Palairet – Executive Director at Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc.
  • Jacqui Ruesga – Manager of the International Carbon Markets team at the Ministry for the Environment
  • Chloe Swarbrick – Co-Leader of the Green Party and Climate Change spokesperson

Attendance was strong: a full house filling the lecture room space at Victoria University of Wellington, and many more online including one of the panellists, Noelene Nabulivou, dialling in from Fiji.

Climate Change panel Aug 2024
Panel (L-R): Sue Kedgley, Dr. Gill Greer, Jacqui Ruesga, Jessica Palairet, Chloe Swarbrick, and Noelene Nabulivou

The panel discussion covered a range of topics, such as fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and other international treaties, climate legal action, reforming and using our laws to address climate change, and climate justice both in Aotearoa New Zealand as well as in the South Pacific and globally.  There was also discussion about what more needs to be done to mitigate (not just adapt) to climate change and how to make sure women’s voices are included at the table where these discussions are taking place.

A recording of the event can be found on the National Council of Women New Zealand Youtube channel here:

Another climate action event is scheduled for 4 December 2024.  Details, including how to register, will be made available closer to the event.  But for now, save the date!


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