Wellington Branch ‘spills the tea’ to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness

NCWNZ Wellington Branch were honoured to host our 'Spilling the tea' high tea fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Spill TheTea - Wellington 2024
High tea attendees wearing pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every day in Aotearoa, nine women are diagnosed with breast cancer. That’s 3,500 women every year. And every year more than 650 New Zealanders die of breast cancer.

The National Council of Women New Zealand was founded in 1896, and continues to champion gender equity, advocate for feminist issues, and amplify the voices of women. So of course, raising awareness for breast cancer research and treatment and acknowledging the wāhine whose lives are so intimately affected by breast cancer, aligns deeply with our kaupapa.

Breast cancer is the number one cause of death in women under 65 and this number can only change through increased funding for research and education programmes, and improved patient support. The Wellington Branch members were proud to support Breast Cancer Foundation and CanSurvive dragon boat club with the funds raised from this event.

Spill The Tea - Panel 2024
Panel from left to right: Annette, Wendy, Lisa, and Melanie

Thank you to the gorgeous panel - Lisa, Melanie, Annette and Wendy - for sharing their breast cancer stories and being so open and vulnerable with us. A huge thank you as well to Lola Rouge for providing such a beautiful space for our event and being such accommodating hosts.


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