Safety, Health and Wellbeing Action Hub update

EndoNZ logo snipped from websiteFor its November meeting the Safety, Health and Wellbeing Action Hub have invited a guest speaker from Endometriosis NZ ( Action on endometriosis was endorsed in the NCWNZ submission that the Action Hub led by Raewyn Stone, submitted on a Women’s Health Strategy for the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act. We strongly supported EndoNZ’s advocacy for the implementation of a National Action Plan for endometriosis. Endometriosis affects approximately 120,000 women and girls in New Zealand - roughly 1 in 10 girls, women and those assigned female at birth. Getting an endometriosis plan implemented is part of our plan for women’s and girls health and wellbeing in Aotearoa.

The Hub continues with its other focus - action and strategies to eliminate violence against women. Two submissions have been completed recently, led by Bernice Williams, which identify NCWNZ priorities, past submissions, and policies on elimination violence against women and action necessary to stop family and sexual violence. See the submissions posted on the NCWNZ website (.pdf files) here: 

We value our membership and are pleased to welcome new members. A current priority is getting our membership data list better sorted and establishing regular and better communication with our Action Hub members.

Early 2024 will see us having a formal meeting at which we’ll have an opportunity to endorse an Action Hub Committee and priorities for the 2-year period. It will also be an opportunity to nominate and elect new Action Hub Committee members to do all the background mahi and keep the “Health” Action Hub delivering and focussed. We are looking for skilled volunteers to do this important mahi.

Please contact us at Health NCWNZ [email protected] for any queries or suggestions of support.

Ngā mihi maioha,
Eileen Brown
NCWNZ Safety, Health and Wellbeing Action Hub


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