We in the NCWNZ Ōtautahi Christchurch Branch were thrilled with the success of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conference on Saturday, October 5th at The Commodore Hotel in Ōtautahi Christchurch.
It was an absolute pleasure to host NCWNZ members from across the motu, as well as attendees from other organisations who support our mahi. The venue was great (apart from access to the lift which could have been easier!!) and allowed for easy mixing and mingling, while also providing excellent spaces for presentations and yummy food! The morning workshops were very popular and many of us learned a lot more about the organisations who shared their stories. It was particularly rewarding to be able to create ongoing links between NCWNZ and these groups. Some have even joined NCWNZ as organisations and others were keen to look at future collaborations to help support women and girls in our communities. In the afternoon, the workshops focused on issues that the NCWNZ Action Hubs are working on, which provided a wonderful opportunity for members to discuss ideas face to face.
The AGM was well attended. Thanks to the Board and especially, Coco, the Board administrator for organising this part of the day.
The dinner was a relaxed and fun affair. We think people liked the quiz as a warmup to the evening. Again, this was a chance to chat and share information about what each Branch might be doing over a lovely meal provided by The Commodore.
Louise and Penny, the conference convenors, would like to thank Suzanne and Coco for their contributions to the conference organisation and also Sue Bingham, for taking on the financial side and making it all work out!
The photos - here and above - taken by Megan Thompson give a bit of an idea of how the day looked for those who couldn't attend.
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