NCWNZ welcomes discussion on childcare policy

Mother with infant

Te Kaunihera Wāhine o Aotearoa National Council of Women of New Zealand welcomes the National Party’s announcement of its policy on increased support for childcare. This shows that both the major parties recognise the value of providing safe, affordable and appropriate childcare.

Rising costs of childcare over the last decade have eroded parents’ ability to choose whether or not to work, and this affects women’s choices more than men. With both National and Labour making major policy announcements in the last six months, it can now be taken for granted that the underlying principle of the importance of childcare to our society has been accepted by our elected representatives. 

NCWNZ President, Dr Suzanne Manning, says, “we are delighted that increased support for childcare is no longer being questioned, and that the debate in election year can now focus on the best way to deliver that support. This is a step towards gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand through the strong message that all of society is responsible for the wellbeing of our tamariki, not just women.” 

Increased support for childcare is a life-changing step in supporting families, and benefits all of us both now and into the future. 

For more information, or to interview Dr Suzanne Manning please contact 022 655 6512 or email us.


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  • Kerri Du Pont
    published this page in News 2023-03-06 13:31:35 +1300

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