The Auckland Branch and the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Action Hub collaborated for the Suffrage Day Event held in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. The National Council of Women worked with Auckland Council to celebrate the auspicious occasion of 130 years since women won the right to vote. This is the first year of a new partnership working with Te Rōpū Wāhine, Auckland Council’s Women’s Collective Network, and it is an exciting partnership working with local wāhine toa. The event was held, as in recent years, at the Suffrage Memorial - Te Hā O Hine Place. Speakers included the Auckland President, Barbara Myers, Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, Challen Wilson, and included karakia and koreo from Ngati Whatua. Over a hundred and thirty attended the sunny lunchtime event that celebrated achievements including the Life Membership awarded to Jane Prichard.
A guest speaker was Challen Wilson of the NCWNZ Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Action Hub who spoke on the strength and leadership of wāhine Māori. Challen reflected on her tupuna, Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia, an influential Māori leader in the 1890s, who addressed issues confronting Māori women and their whānau including domestic violence, smoking, alcoholism, religion, single mothers, and the retention of traditional skills including those related to the environment. Challen spoke to the issues that were relevant then and that are still at the forefront today and critical in the work of NCWNZ. (See the transcript of her speech here: "Speech on great-grandmother Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia at Suffrage130 celebration.")
The Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Hub (CCES) organising committee have had a busy year. Recent Submissions prepared by the Hub in October 2023 include:
- Inquiry into Climate Adaptation
- Foreshore and Seabed
The Hub organised the circulation of information at the event on recycling and what you can do to make a difference. Refer below.
Our contact details are Climate Action Hub <[email protected]>
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