NCWNZ Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting of Te Kaunihera Wāhine o Aotearoa | The National Council of Women of New Zealand was held online on Saturday, 23 September. At this hui we were able to celebrate our achievements of the previous financial year, and to acknowledge our new National Life Members Christine Low and Jane Prichard - you can read more about these amazing women in a previous Circular article. Suzanne Manning, wrote in the President's introduction to the annual report:

"I am very proud to be the President of Te Kaunihera Wāhine o Aotearoa - The National Council of Women of New Zealand, and this annual report shows why. This report is filled with the activities of the different areas of the organisation, showing how we are speaking up and speaking out for gender equality and women’s rights in all aspects of life in Aotearoa and beyond. It shows how we are making a difference to our environment, and this is the gift we give to each other: the ability to be part of collective action for the greater good. What’s not to like?

"We as an organisation are also working hard internally to enable us to role model the values that we advocate for - commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, inclusivity and accessibility, respectful and collaborative relationships. On top of this, we are maintaining and improving on our operational management to ensure our processes are robust, transparent and sustainable. Thank you to all who are working hard on these important mahi.

"This annual report for the year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 is a snapshot in our history, building on the efforts of the previous year and feeding into the work of the year we are currently in. I trust that this annual report will be useful for us all to reflect on what has been achieved and still to be achieved, and that it will motivate and inspire us to continue."


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