Kia ora from Mathilde

Mathilde Le GoffKia ora! I’m Mathilde Le Goff, and I’m the new intern in the NCWNZ for five months, until mid-July 😊

I’m 23 years old and I'm from Toulouse, in the south of France. I’m studying political sciences and my master’s degree focuses on the fight against discrimination, that is gender issues, but also racism, disabilities, LGBT+ phobia, and all types of discrimination that could exist.

I’m currently doing a gap year between my two years of master’s degree and before coming to Aotearoa, I did another internship for 6 months. I worked in a council agency in France, specialised in all of the topics related to diversity and inclusion in big companies, and I had mainly to deal with disabilities and gender issues.

As for my hobbies, I’m really into sports. I used to do judo for almost 15 years and now, I’m a run lover. My goal would be to get ready for the half-marathon I want to run with my brother next October. Such a challenge, with all those hills surrounding Wellington! Above all, I’m very curious and I’m always into discovering things I don’t know. Before coming to Aotearoa, I had absolutely zero knowledge about the country - except for its amazing rugby team ahah - and I look forward to learning more about its culture and history, which seem to be fascinating.

Therefore, for the second part of my gap year, I really wanted to challenge myself and leave my comfort zone. So here I am, at the exact opposite of the world compared to where I’m from! I’m very grateful for this new adventure to come, and Aotearoa seems to be an incredible country with a lot of beautiful space to discover and amazing people! I’m also looking forward to meeting the volunteers of the NCWNZ and to being part of the different projects you’re organising. I’m really happy to be part of this organization, whose values match in many ways with my own and I can’t wait to find out more about how an NGO of this scale operates.

Ngā mihi nui,
Mathilde Le Goff


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