Keep Earth Green with Love

Taiwanese Women's Association of New Zealand event 4 July 2022On July 4 2022, Betty Ofe-Grant (NCWNZ Board member), Joy Williams (President of Auckland NCW branch) and a few other Auckland NCW members attended the "Keep Earth Green with Love" event hosted by the Taiwanese Women’s Association of New Zealand (TWANZ), a national member organisation of the NCWNZ. TWANZ President Huang Mamei led the event which included Director Chen Yongshao and Founding President Chen Ziying.

Logo for Taiwanese Women's Association of New Zealand - snipped from FacebookThe event celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Overseas Chinese Committee and the 22nd anniversary of the Taiwanese Women’s Association of New Zealand.

Also in attendance were Auckland Councillor (Howick Ward) Paul Young, Auckland Councillor (Manukau Ward) and Mayoral candidate Fa’anana Efeso Collins, President Julia Clements of the NZ Vegetarian Society, and Regional Manager Pene Frost of the Stand Children’s Services.

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